iTunes Controls, Song Lyrics, Album Artwork, Music Browsing, All In A Free App Named Muzzy



If less is more and small is beautiful, then Muzzy for your Mac is the most wonderful iTunes utility that money cannot buy.

What has me excited about Muzzy is what you should find exciting and useful, too. Finally, we have an elegant and free iTunes controller that does everything but buy music or recommend TV shows or rent movies.

6 Reasons To Love Muzzy

It may be that we use our iPhones and iPods more to listen to music these days than iTunes on the Mac, but iTunes is where we control everything– purchases, playlists, and more.

Muzzy blends six different components into what is arguably the best iTunes controller app available for Mac users.

Besides being free (always a great incentive to try), Muzzy lets you browse through all your iTunes albums without even opening up iTunes.

In addition to album artwork, Muzzy also grabs song tracks with lyrics and makes them available to sing along with little more than a click.

Also built-in is artwork navigation. Click on a track’s artwork and it skips to the next song. Click the other way to skip back to the previous song.

If you’re into and scobbling songs you can update the Now Playing status on from within Muzzy.

Notifications are built-in to Muzzy, too, so whenever a song changes in iTunes you’ll receive a visual notification that doesn’t dominate the Mac’s screen.

One more thing.

Muzzy will pause music on iTunes when you unplug your headphones from the Mac. What is not to like about this? It’s free and does just what we music lovers need and want. All it doesn’t do is not buy music for us, or recommend what we listen to.

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