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  • 1 App, 4 Functions, Mac, iPhone, iPad

    One of our never ending tasks at Mac360 is to check out new apps, try new ways to use Mac, iPhone, and iPad, knowing that whatever we use ourselves, or would recommend to others, comes with an inherent risk (customer support for the boss comes to mind). This week I’ve been using SmartDay. Think of it…


  • Try A Mac Reminder App With Muscle

    If nothing improves without change, then it’s allowable to give up the tried and true for awhile and try out something new. Reminders on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad is useful, but about as simple as snow. Simply using Reminders puts you on the fast track for efficiency and productivity and that means you’re likely…


  • Bargain Power: A $799 Mac With Power To Burn

    Of course, power is a relative thing. The lowest of the low end Macs is far more powerful than the original Mac 128k over 20 years ago, or most Macs today. Yes, the new PowerMac G5 is far more powerful than an eMac, but the difference between $799 and $2,999 is substantial. In the end,…
