Latest Posts

  • Remembering The Death Of Apple. New Lessons.

    As I was reading the media death knells of Dell Computer, I remembered it was about 10 years ago when Apple almost died. How many deaths can one company endure? Plenty, if Apple’s success and Dell’s woes are to be considered. Regardless, it was the mid 1990s and Apple was nearly dead. Said who? Nearly…


  • Apple And The Coming Tech Apocalypse

    Uh oh. There are thunderstorm clouds on the technology horizon, and the once shining beacon of hope for the tech sector has it a wall (it’s Friday; mixed metaphors are on sale). Apple is projecting not just slower growth in the future, but no growth, as in revenue and profits in the next quarter that are going down; lower than…


  • Mount Mac Storage With Mountain

    It’s interesting how computer terminology comes and goes. Does your Mac boot up? Why does the iPhone or iPad merely start up? Back in the day we would mount a storage device connected to our Macs or PCs. These days we merely connect devices. Hence the Mac utility app Mountain is appropriately named for those users who still use the term mount. What does…


  • iTunes Controls, Song Lyrics, Album Artwork, Music Browsing, All In A Free App Named Muzzy

    If less is more and small is beautiful, then Muzzy for your Mac is the most wonderful iTunes utility that money cannot buy. What has me excited about Muzzy is what you should find exciting and useful, too. Finally, we have an elegant and free iTunes controller that does everything but buy music or recommend TV shows…


  • Free: Add Motion Detector Security To Your Mac

    Our neighbor has a car alarm that goes off constantly. A loud car goes by, the alarm sounds. A dog barks, the alarm sounds. I guess their car alarm works. No one comes into our little cul-de-sac without everyone in the neighborhood knowing about it. How about your Mac notebook? Is it equipped with an…


  • How To Make Apps Open Faster On Your Mac, Use Less Memory On Low RAM Macs

    Not all Macs are created equal. Not every Mac comes with the RAM needed to open and run a dozen RAM-hungry Mac apps. If your Mac is older, or short or speed-inducing RAM, there’s a utility to help you reduce memory usage and start up apps faster. All you need is any recent 64-bit Intel-powered…


  • Sorry, Apple; I Cannot Trust iCloud

    When it comes to cloud storage services there are many from which to choose, only a few that get chosen, and as of now, not one that I can trust, including Apple’s much maligned and overly expensive iCloud. It’s not that I don’t trust cloud services. I trust them. Barely. It’s not that I don’t…


  • 5 Ways Mac Users Love The Transparent, Luminous, Artistic Media Of Aquarelle (watercolor)

    As the Miller family’s official photographer and iPhoto library manager I’m called upon to turn staid and standard photos into collectables. A photo isn’t a photo in this household unless it can be transformed into a work of art, fully eligible for sharing on Facebook or Flickr. That’s easier said than done in iPhoto, but…


  • When It Comes To iPhone And iPad There Are Two Customer Groups Apple Doesn’t Want Or Need

    What have we heard about Apple ad nauseam for the past year? It’s not just that Apple is doomed. We hear that Apple needs to build an entry-level, less expensive iPhone or risk being left behind as Android dominates the smartphone world. Or, something like that. Such analysis overlooks Apple’s typical customer, and, importantly the…
