Latest Posts

  • The Crazy New Way Apple Will Make Billions On The New iPad Air And iPad mini

    Why did Apple wait a year before upgrading the iPad line? For a company that prides itself on machine-like precision, this seems like a massive gaffe, no? No. Apple is disciplined. The leap from the original non-Retina iPad mini to the new iPad mini is substantial. Ditto for the new iPad Air, which is smaller,…


  • This Is The Coolest Mac Desktop Background App You’ve Never Used

    One of the few ways Apple gives Mac users to customize their Macs is the Desktop background; the so-called wallpaper photo. We can choose pre-defined Apple photos, photos from Photos (or, iPhoto), solid colors, or a customized batch of backgrounds. Once chosen we can change the background picture every x-number of minutes or once a…


  • Unclutter The Cluttered Mac With Unclutter

    For those of us who devote ourselves to more Mac keyboard time than the average Mac user, clutter is the name of the game. Screen clutter kills productivity. Through the day we’re gathering and storing notes, files, links, photos, PDFs, and more– all dumped onto the Mac’s Desktop with the thought of cleaning it up…


  • Apple Pay And The Usability Syndrome

    A funny thing happened along the way to the 21st century. Payment methods didn’t change much for decades. Then along came Apple Pay. First, we humans bought what we needed with cash. Often, that meant we had to save up enough money to buy what we wanted. Second, big banks and smart people came up…


  • What iPhone 7 Needs More Than Anything

    Anyone who follows the legion of Apple-oriented websites, or the various and sundry news websites that decree anything Apple does as the next step toward doom and gloom already know what’s coming in iPhone 7. Thinner, lighter, faster, better camera, improved graphics, better antenna reception, and lots of eye candy in iOS 10. What we…


  • Got Too Much Stuff? How To Use Your Mac To Build A Home Inventory

    Look at all the natural disasters that plague humankind. From earthquakes to tsunamis. From floods to tornadoes, we’ve been given a close up look at what destruction Mother Nature can provide. If an Ounce of Protection is worth a Pound of Cure, then there must be an app for that. If a tornado or flood…


  • What’s The Center Of Apple’s Universe In The 21st Century? Hint: It’s Not The Mac Anymore

    Back in the day, just a decade ago, the entire center of Apple’s universe was the Mac. Apple had just completed a successful transition from classic Mac OS to Mac OS X (itself a legacy from Steve Jobs’ NeXT). The iPod had launched a year earlier, and the iTunes Store had yet to see the light of day. For all intents and…


  • Free: Yet Another Way To Run Windows (or Linux) On A Mac

    How many ways can you run Windows or Linux on your Mac? Some Mac users might reply with a terse, ‘Too many ways.’ I understand the sentiment. Windows isn’t free. Linux isn’t easy. However, the Mac is the ultimate platform in that it runs almost any popular operating system for personal computers (what was once…


  • 2 Simple Mac Apps To Organize That Which Is Not So Simple

    We live in the golden age of applications. Whether it’s Mac, iPhone, or iPad, apps are everywhere, and they’re no longer one size fits all. One size fits all? Apps these days are inexpensive and often focus on just one feature set, do one or two things, and avoid the monolithic approach whereby an app…
