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  • Think Different With This Mac Password App

    Everyone who traverses the interwebs for almost anything has the same problem; whether Mac or Windows PC users, Android or iPhone user. Usernames and Passwords. Usernames are not as difficult to remember as passwords. The former usually are unique to a single login, often a unique name or email address. Passwords need to be an…


  • Apple, The Mac, And The Halo Effect

    A funny thing happened to Apple along the way to the 21st century. Despite millions of loyal fans, the company almost folded. Despite the iMac, the PowerBook, and a lean and mean product lineup, Apple’s marketshare dropped at the turn of the century, and so did revenue. From then on a series of unpredictable events…


  • On Tablets As PCs: iPad vs. Mac

    Not that long ago, then Apple CEO Steve Jobs sat down on an aging, over stuffed, living room chair in front of Apple’s most faithful, iPad in hand, and ushered in what came to be called the post-PC era; that special place on the space time continuum which we would look back to as a…


  • How To Erase Files Securely On A Mac

    Computer systems as we know them– Mac, Windows PCs, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android devices– have a number of interesting quirks that many users don’t know. What happens when you delete a file on your Mac (or Windows PC or anything else)? It’s gone, right? Nope. Not so fast. Even files dumped into the Trash can,…


  • Lock Your Mac, Then Unlock It With Facial Recognition

    Now that Apple has a patent on the slide-to-unlock feature on the iPhone’s screen, how will competitor’s phones be unlocked? My guess is facial or maybe voice recognition or both. Why not have the same thing on your Mac? Instead of a password to unlock your Mac, wouldn’t it be even more cool if your…


  • How To Detect And Remove MacKeeper And Keylogger Malware On A Mac

    Like it or don’t, Mac malware is on the rise as the Mac continues to make marketshare gains against Windows PCs. What? Mac malware? Say it ain’t so, Jack! No, I’m not talking about malicious virus or worms, most of which live under the Windows umbrella. Instead, social engineered malware is on the rise against…


  • The State Of The Mac Isn’t An Apple Problem (let’s blame Intel and PCs instead)

    Apple has no trouble updating the iPhone every year, but every other product in the company’s lineup except the new Watch seems to have fallen into a state of, well, lost interest. Who’s to blame? Has Apple lost interest in the Mac? Maybe the entire PC industry suffers from a state of lost interest by…


  • Revisiting Apple’s Top Hardware Design Mistakes

    There’s something in the human psyche which causes us to be attracted to lists. Top 10 lists, top movies lists, top selling products, you name it, we humans can list it. Last week Macworld made a list of the top Apple hardware design mistakes. Any such list is subjective, of course, but this one is…


  • A Free Mac Tool Puts A Logout, Restart, Shutdown, Sleep Buttons In The Dock

    What happens when a Windows PC user finally makes the switch to a Mac? Confusion. Frustration. Then productivity, joy, bliss, and freedom. The first two are to be expected. The Mac doesn’t have a Start button. Finding options in OS X’s menus can be problematic for new users. Here’s an easy and free solution to…
