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  • Tired Of The Mac’s Dock? Try A Tab Launcher Instead

    It’s not exactly a secret the my Mac is loaded with apps. Hundreds. And a few dozen that I use each day. Through the course of the year I’ll try out a few hundred more apps. That means my Mac’s Dock is cluttered to the point of nearly unusable. Even the time honored DragThing floating palette launcher…


  • This Is Microsoft’s Free Gift To Mac Users

    What’s going on at Microsoft’s headquarters these days? Are the executives that hang out there very clever or very desperate? Whatever it is, Microsoft is cranking out a bag of change since they kicked out former CEO Steve Ballmer. The trail he left isn’t pretty. The Zune is gone. Xbox doesn’t make any money. Sales…


  • Simple And Free Password Management

    Password manager apps are no longer a dime a dozen. Some of the most popular password managers for Mac, iPhone, and iPad have healthy price tags or worse– monthly and annual subscriptions. Here’s another one I tried this weekend that has a free component which could be all you need. It’s called Bitwarden and it works just…


  • Apple TV, Meet Cable TV, Circa 1989

    Way back in a cold Chicago winter, circa early 1989, my newly minted husband and I hooked up our television to a cable TV connection which gave us a couple of dozen channels; more than over the air, and with improved quality. For a price. That was then and this is now. Today, we still…


  • An Easier Way To Build Super Keyboard Shortcuts On Your Mac

    Are you a creative Mac user? Or, a logical Mac user? My wife and I have this whole left brain right brain thing going. She’s the intuitive and creative member of our children’s parents. I’m the logical, reasonable, rational, analytical, objective parent. Carol’s right brain kept her using a Mac during Apple’s darkest years while left brain embraced Windows PCs. I…


  • Apple Must Move Mac And macOS To ARM

    Let’s face it. The Mac has hit a wall. Sales are as good as ever but unit marketshare remains mostly anemic. Worse, Apple doesn’t seem to care about Mac engineering anymore, despite talk of a new iMac Pro and a modular Mac Pro. What’s the problem? This list is long. In general, and despite the…


  • The Second Best Way To Manage Or Kill Email Spam On Your Mac

    The second best way to do anything implies that there’s a single best way to do it, too. What’s the most effective way to manage or kill email spam? The best way is simple, effective, but doesn’t seem plausible. Take the War Games approach. WOPR figured out that the only way to win at thermonuclear war is not to play the…


  • Apple: ‘Battle For The Home Hasn’t Started’

    Forgive me, Apple public relations department. I’m putting words in your mouth. Yet, it should be obvious that the technology battle for the home hasn’t really started yet, despite the jockeying for position among industry heavyweights. If you want to know about the home battleground then don’t read digital technology trade rags such as ZDNet because what…


  • 3 Ways This Mac Alarm And Timer Manager Is Better

    My two greatest secrets to productivity—beyond my Mac and iPhone—are simple. A couple of pairs of glasses in every room. And half a dozen timers scattered around the house. Simple, right? No matter which room I’m in, I can see. No matter which room I’m in, there’s a timer nearby. Yes, my Mac also has…
