Latest Posts

  • How To Manage macOS Sierra’s Launchpad

    Here’s something I bet you didn’t know (or, at least, you haven’t given it much thought before). There are more people in the world that use iOS’s Launchpad than use the Mac’s Finder. That’s because iPhone and iPad have nearly a billion users, while the Mac, well, it’s more popular than ever, but not so…


  • Spy Cam Turns A Mac Into A Spy Cam

    Most of my day is devoted to slaving over a hot keyboard, cooking up solutions to problems that crop up among the hundreds of Mac and Windows PCs in the school where I work. I use a MacBook for mobile troubleshooting but my desktop Mac is an iMac. It has the standard built-in iSight camera,…


  • A Cheat Sheet For Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

    You love Mac keyboard shortcuts, right? Can remember what they are? I have a similar problem, but I’ve learned the most efficient way to use a Mac is to stop using the mouse or trackpad. Keyboard shortcuts are what power users use to become more efficient when using a Mac. Almost every Mac app has…


  • FinderPop: The Classic Mac Utility Is Free

    Way back in the day, long before OS X and Intel Macs took Mac sales to new record levels, there was a little utility that could do no wrong. It’s baaack! The old Mac Classic Apple menu was how tried and true Mac users navigated from app to app, file to folder. Here’s the free…


  • The Only Mac Backup And Sync App I Need

    Not long ago I helped a neighbor switch from an aging Windows notebook to a new MacBook Pro. All went well, including installation of a few of my favorite and highly recommended Mac apps, utilities, and tools. My neighbor asked which Mac backup tool to use and I rattled off the standard list of SuperDuper,…


  • Another Bootable Clone Backup For Macs

    How many ways can you backup your Mac’s important files? That’s not a trick question. There are many, many ways. Just don’t start your backups with drag and drop. For years I’ve used a combination of Time Machine, bootable clones, files synced between Macs, and more recently, files backed up online through iCloud, GoogleDrive, and…


  • How To Trap Unauthorized Login Attempts

    When it comes to the Mac, remember this: there’s always someone somewhere trying to get into your Mac to see what’s there. Most of those attempts are over the internet and your Mac is quite secure. What about the home or office? Do you know who tried to login to your Mac while you were…


  • Free: A Mac Finder Replacement App

    There’s a growing trend among utility applications for Mac users. Instead of a simple try-before-you-buy trial app, many Mac developers are going with a free version of an app, with an upgrade to a paid version. Here’s a good example of a Mac utility which could be used to replace the Finder with a laundry…


  • What Makes Apple The King Of Premium

    Who spent more money this holiday season? Apple’s customers. That made it a struggle for me to come up with the right article headline to match my perspective. Apple is a premium brand, and pound for pound, dollar for dollar, Apple’s customers spend more money than Windows PC users or Android smartphone owners. Why? And…
